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For King And Parliament - English Civil Wars Wargaming Rules


These rules enable two or more players to fight battles on a tabletop to a conclusion usually in two hours or less.

The book includes 78 pages of rules including army lists, diagrams and numerous images of beautifully painted wargames figures and battles. It is printed on 130 GSM paper, with stiff card covers, and wire-O-bound so that it will lie flat on the table.

For King and Parliament is a simple set of wargames rules for the Civil Wars in England (and Scotland and Ireland) during the mid-Seventeenth Century.


With FK&P, a battle can be fought and won (or lost!) on a dining room table in less than two hours. The same rules, however, also support huge battles, involving thousands of miniatures and up to five players a side. Miniatures can be in any scale and based for any of the common wargaming rules systems. As in the related To the Strongest! ancient and medieval rules, the use of subtle grids dispenses with the need for measurement - and consequently play moves along at a cracking pace.


A unique activation system driven by playing cards or numbered chits introduces uncertainty; in some turns a regiment will fly across the battlefield; in others it will remain rooted to the spot. The same deck is used to swiftly resolve shooting and melee; no dice, whatsoever, need to be rolled! Special rules model the various firing systems used by the foot, and the occasionally uncontrollable nature of the horse.


The rules are written in plain English, and illustrated with appropriate diagrams, sample army lists, examples of play and an introductory scenario. We do hope you enjoy them - may none of your cards be aces!

By Simon Miller (author of Tothe Strongest!) and Andrew Brentnall.

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