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The “Biblical” or “Chariot” Age lasted from around 3000BC to 500BC. During this time many civilisations flourished and several great empires rose and fell. Much of the action took place in the Middle East; the “cradle of civilisation”. In ancient times, this region was the hub of the old world, where three continents met; Asia, Europe and Africa. The river valleys were very fertile and supported large populations. These were separated by vast tracts of desert from whence came waves of nomadic invaders. To the north and east the high mountain ranges were inhabited by fiercely independent tribes, and beyond these were vast steppes from whence came yet more invading nomads. To the west from over the Mediterranean and Aegean seas came sea raiders. To the south stretched the endless deserts of Arabia. With various tribes and cities struggling for the same pieces of precious fertile land, or regions rich in raw materials, warfare began here very early and has remained frequent ever since...

Read more from Biblical Age Wargaming by Nigel Stillman.

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28mm scale lead metal miniature toy soldier from Wargames Foundry Myceneans, minoans and the trojan wars, warrior hero attacking with sword, shield and helmet 28mm scale lead metal miniature toy soldier from Wargames Foundry European Bronze Age Warrior with traditional skirt, helmet, sword and shield. 28mm scale lead metal miniature toy soldier from Wargames Foundry New Kingdom Egyptian with bow and arrow in traditional dress28mm scale lead metal miniature toy soldier from Wargames Foundry biblical era nubian archer stalking forwards 28mm scale lead metal miniature toy soldier from Wargames Foundry mitanni, syrians, canaanites and hyskos, horse pulled chariot with armoured riders firing bows in the back 28mm scale lead metal miniature toy soldier from Wargames Foundry Sea People in Crowed Leather Helmets (Peleset, Tjekker, Denven) with sword and shield 28mm scale lead metal miniature toy soldier from Wargames Foundry biblical era libyan warrior with sword 28mm scale lead metal miniature toy soldier from Wargames Foundry Biblical era Scythian mounted command with highly decorated armour on warrior and horse28mm scale lead metal miniature toy soldier from Wargames Foundry biblical era assyrian heavy infantry command blowing horn