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28mm scale metal miniatures for wargaming the Franco-Prussian War, sculpted by Michael and Alan Perry.
Click here for our Prussian range.
FPF041 French Hussars or Chasseurs in Bearskins and Greatcoats
FPF042 French Guard Carabiniers Command
FPF043 French Guard Carabiniers
FPF044 French Guard Carabiniers in Greatcoats
FPF045 French Dragoons Command
FPF046 French Dragoons
FPF047 French Dragoons in Greatcoats
FPF048 French Chasseurs D'Afrique Command
FPF049 French Chasseurs D'Afrique
FPF050 French Chasseurs D'Afrique in Greatcoats
FPF051 Turco/Zouave Command
FPF052 Turco/Zouave Infantry Attacking
FPF053 Turco/Zouave Infantry Firing
FPF054 Turco/Zouave Infantry Running
FPF055 French Artillery Crew