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Missing English Civil War Packs & Medievals!

Missing English Civil War Packs

Continuing on with our mission to recover missing packs and models from our ranges, we have moved on to The English Civil War. 20 packs have now reappeared on our website pages, including lots of Highlanders!

The pack numbers are:  2A, 2B, 3A, 3B, 39, 53, 54, 55, 57, 58, 59, 60, 61, 63, 64, 65, 66, 67, 69, 70.

Models sculpted by Michael and Alan Perry. Our English Civil War & Thirty Years War models can be used for either conflict: This guide tells you how.

'There were, in fact, three Civil Wars between 1642 and 1651. The first occurred between 1642 and 1647, the second between May 1648 and January 1649, and the third from September 1650 to September 1651.'
Click here to read about The English Civil Wars and see some photographs of our models in action.

Models Added To Medieval Packs

Our medieval Cavalry packs MED215 to MED219 have increased to contain four riders and horses each - rather than three.

Crisis, Antwerp - 2019

The Foundry team will be making our way to Crisis, Antwerp on the 9th November.
Pre-order by emailing customers@wargamesfoundry.com or phone us on 01636 526886.

Our Foundry & Warmonger show stands take up a massive 95sq meters. However, that's still not big enough for us to bring all of our ranges so we encourage anyone to let us know if they are interested in having a look at any of our other models. We are very happy to bring anything along to a show with us for you to see with no obligation to buy.

Although we will be carrying our entire paint range in palettes, single pots of paint need to be pre ordered.

See you there!

Price Change

To reflect these changes in pack contents as well as the ever changing rise in the cost of raw materials we will be implementing our first price rise in over 7 years. This will effect our ranges under the 'Pike and Shot' menu on our website in one week on November 5th,  before a site wide change in the near future. 

Most of our standard 6 figure packs will stay the same at £12, our 8 figure packs will increase to £16 and 3 Model Cavalry packs to £15.

PS: Just a reminder that a few weeks ago we made the move to a faster and more reliable delivery service, which includes fully trackable orders for our overseas customers!

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Follow us on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/wargamesfoundry/

Thanks for reading - Maria

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